Chain Conveyors
Chain Conveyors are an economical solution for transferring heavy products with sturdy conveying surfaces. They provide accurate indexing solutions and multi-strand units can be utilized for wider loads.
Chain Conveyors are suitable for a variety of applications and are well-suited for heavy loads with flat bottoms and slower speeds. Additionally, because of the low number of moving components, they reduce the frequency of planned and unplanned maintenance.
Fixture assemblies can be included to nest parts accurately and are effective in supporting robotic pick and place systems.
Chain Conveyors are frequently utilized in the auto manufacturing, parts manufacturing, warehousing, foundries, and logistics industries.
Available Accessories:
- Electrical Controls: magnetic starter, combination starter, DC variable speed, and VFD drive controls. Lanyard emergency switch, photo-eye, and various part sensors.
- Walkover plates
- Pallet alignment guides
- Stainless steel chains
Rolmaster can accommodate most standard and non-standard Chain Conveyor requests.