M-Series Gravity Roller Conveyors

Rolmaster M-Series Gravity Roller Conveyors are a Modular conveyor system designed specifically for Robotic Work Cells and the transfer of plastic Automotive-Style Totes. They consist of a Multi-Tier support system which allows infinite adjustment of the conveyor incline and decline angles. This offers the ability to fine-tune the conveyor heights for tote transfer to allow for Ergonomic constraints while using gravity to assist with the motion of the tote. Multiple conveyor tiers (up to 3) allow for totes to transfer in and out of the Cell but do not take up a large footprint of floor space. The conveyor frames are designed to incorporate the guardrails, and roller retention, in one compact unit. The frames are pre-drilled to allow support placement adjustability at installation in the event they need to be moved on the conveyor for conduit or other obstacles found in a typical Robotic Cell. All Steel construction offers performance not found in other plastic systems commonly found in this application.